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Tapahtuman päivämäärä 18.5.2024

Liikehäiriösairauksien liitto ry:n sääntömääräinen liittokokous 18.5.

Paikkana on Hotelli Kakola, Kirkko, Kakolankatu 14, Turku. Aika 18.5.2024 klo 13.00 Kokouksessa käsitellään sääntöjen mukaiset liittokokousasiat ja jäsenmaksu. Ennen…
Tapahtuman päivämäärä 5.9.2024

Dystonia-tietoisuusviikon webinaari: Sosiaaliturva ja kuntoutus to 5.9.

Tervetuloa seuraamaan dystonia-tietoisuusviikon webinaaria to 5.9. klo 18-19.30. Aiheina ovat sosiaaliturva ja kuntoutus. Luentoon on koottu aihealueita, joista dystoniaa sairastavat…



Tuetaan toisiamme -digiryhmästä uusi esittelyvideo

Liikehäiriösairauksien liiton digihankkeen aikana on perustettu jo yli 20 digiryhmää ympäri Suomea. Tuetaan toisiamme -digiryhmä on matalan kynnyksen vertaistukitoimintaa, jossa…

OP:n ja Telian Näin hoidat pankkiasiasi älypuhelimella -webinaari 22.5.

Kaipaatko vinkkejä ja varmuutta pankkiasioiden hoitoon älypuhelimella tai tabletilla? Ilmoittaudu mukaan OP:n ja Telian järjestämään, maksuttomaan Näin hoidat pankkiasiasi älypuhelimella…

Marjatta Yli-Olli kirjoittaa uudessa runoelmassaan isoäideistään

Marjatta Yli-Olli on kirjoittanut useita kirjoja hänen suvustaan. Kirjailija ja perinteentutkija Marjatta Yli-Olli kiinnostui sukunsa historiasta opiskeluaikoinaan, ja hän on…

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Liikehäiriösairauksien erikoislehti

Liikehäiriösairaudet mediassa

Company boss who killed his wife when he crashed his yellow sports car carelessly driving on a…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

The £4m fat cat water boss giving you diarrhoea: As her customers fall ill, how South West Water…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

’Invaluable’ cancer treatment approved for use by NHS that could transform lives UK news…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Chelsea eye transfer for £30m Leeds United star ahead of fire sale – UK news – NewsLocker

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Acne sufferers say this £14 serum ‘actually works’ and makes skin ‘brighter and clearer’ in days…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Pregnant woman abandons baby in shopping trolley after telling staff she needed the toilet UK…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

It’s official: Men have no idea what women want – UK news – NewsLocker

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Man found unpleasant stinging surprise in his boxers while staying at hotel – UK news – NewsLocker

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Nine red flag symptoms of common cancer that kill thousands in the UK every year UK news…

a tremor that he’s had since he was 14 years old.The actor, who plays Daniel Osbourne in the ITV soap, first discussed his essential tremor – which is a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking – back in 2018.Recently, he appeared on BBC One’s Morning Live to sp

Liikehäiriösairaudet mediassa